
Tuition price:  $750 for each 50 hour course and $300 for a 16 hours course

Students must be physically able to do the work and enter an above ground pool with the ladder provided.  Pool depth is shallow (3.5′ – 4.5′)

Please click on the title for a detailed description.

WATSU® I, II and III (50 hour classes)

Watsu – A form of passive aquatic therapy modeled after the principles of Zen Shiatsu (massage). Watsu is always performed in a hands-on manner by the provider. The client is usually held or cradled in warm water while the provider stabilizes or moves one segment of the body, resulting in a stretch of another segment due to the drag effect. The client remains completely passive while the provider combines the unique qualities of the water with rhythmic flow patterns.

Watsu I – Educates participants in WATSU®’s Tai Chi-like basic moves and positions. By staying grounded and connected with the breath, you learn to let the water do the work. In its continual return to the Water Breath Dance, participants find the stillness that is the ground of presence. At this stage the basic moves and positions are connected with long gracefully flowing transitions. At all levels students learn about body mechanics – how to take care of themselves while supporting and moving others as effortlessly as possible in the water. On land we introduce Shiatsu and explore and share what being held means.

Option: Take WATSU I in a 2-part format
WATSU BASIC is a 16-hour class, combined with WATSU Transition Flow a 34-hour class. Take them both to complete the 50-hour WATSU I class.  For instance, take WATSU BASIC Monday and Tuesday during one visit.  Then take TRANSITION FLOW Wed, Thurs, Friday during another visit and you will have completed WATSU I.

Watsu II – The course offers expansion of basic movements, specific Shiatsu points and introduces additional techniques. Students learn additional moves and bodywork in each position and how to incorporate them and other moves, as needed. You will learn about the meridians and points in WATSU® and explore following a client’s tendency to move as well as creatively exploring your own movements. Practicing the pointwork, the lifts and stretches introduced at this stage helps develop the ability to explore and play with energy. It is recommended that you practice giving many sessions, as well as receiving them, before going on to WATSU® III or another form. (WATSU® I is a pre-requisite.)

Watsu III – Open to students who have successfully completed WATSU® II and have given enough sessions to be relaxed and comfortable with their technique and sequence. It is a pre-requisite of this course that the above mastery be demonstrated (see special offers). At WATSU III you develop an intuitive awareness of how to be with another person in the water and further adapt and explore outside the form of WATSU® II. Additional powerful stretches and advanced techniques will be taught. Students expand their WATSU® vocabulary, enhance spontaneous creativity and develop their own personal style. (WATSU® II is a pre-requisite.)

WaterDancing® I, II and III (50 hour classes)

WaterDancing I can also be chosen as the 50 hour elective and is the first course (of 3) towards becoming a WaterDancing Practitioner.

WaterDance is performed in body temperature water in which clients wear a nose clip to be guided beneath the water into its three-dimensionality. This step requires the practitioner to have a well developed and intuitive understanding of the client’s breathing rhythm. In a WaterDance session movements on the surface alternate rhythmically with those underwater in accordance with each client’s particular needs.

We know from yoga that slowing down the breathing in a relaxed physical state calms mental activity and can help in achieving a meditative state. This occurs effortlessly in a WaterDance session. The soft, warm water gives complete support and continuously flows gently around the entire body including the face. Many people speak of feelings of joy and pulsating liveliness.

On a physical level, the use of specific holds releases and mobilizes the major joints of the body. WaterDance brings to mind the Japanese movement art of Aikido, and is also reminiscent of classical ballet. It can be like the swimming and playing of dolphins or the silent floating of a fetus in its mother’s womb.

As unique as each individual is, everyone experiences WaterDance differently. Perceptions range from the deepest states of relaxation to shifts in the perception of time and space; from regressing to childhood to re-experiencing prenatal or birth-specific events. Memories of old injuries may arise from the subconscious and the body spontaneously releases stress from the past. Some people speak of experiencing all-encompassing feelings of unity and unconditional love during and even long after a WaterDance session. In this way, WaterDance provides support for those passing through life transitions or suffering from disease states arising from low self-esteem. In the training of WaterDance practitioners, emphasis is laid upon holding a space of acceptance to allow the self-healing capacity of each receiver to emerge.
WaterDance is a form of body therapy that should only be practiced by well-trained practitioners in a safe environment so that the wealth of feelings and perceptions it can draw forth are given the appropriate space to develop.

Aquatic Shiatsu – Fire and Water I, II and III (50 hour classes)

Fire and Water I – Open to all bodywork students. Fire and Water® offers a clear, coherent, and most importantly, applicable base of knowledge to participants. Whether you are new to Watsu, and/or bodywork, or have been practicing for years, the information taught is invaluable. With Minakshi’s grace and skill in the water, this course is enlightening, enlivening, and enriching beyond measure. These courses are taught half on land, half in the water. On land, students are introduced to concepts of oriental Shiatsu. They learn ways of using meridians and points that are only available in the water.

Fire and Water fulfills the 100 hours of Shiatsu training required by WABA to become a WATSU® practitioner. The courses below can also be chosen as the 50 hour elective.

Energetic Aquatic Shiatsu Yoga (E.A.S.Y.®) (16 hour weekend class)

Energetic Aquatic Shiatsu Yoga is based on a combination of Ai Chi, Shiatsu and Yoga. Shiatsu, a Japanese healing art, is based on the principal that the body can heal itself and overcome specific challenges to the body and mind. It enables anyone to maximize health through the use of healing touch on particular acupressure points and conscious, gentle (Yin) yoga stretches along your body’s meridians. It is very important to practice EASY for 30 minutes to 45 minutes daily to create balance in your body and mind. However, it is also beneficial to practice EASY as a 5 to 10 minute warm down after an active (Yang) workout. You will feel peaceful (Yin) energy flowing through your entire body.

Minakshi is approved by the following:

  • National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork as a continuing education Approved Provider (NCBTMB # 394182)
  • Florida Department of Health (#50-6353): The Florida Board of Massage recognizes 50 hours (including 2 for Ethics) for Watsu
  • Worldwide Aquatic Bodywork Association (WABA) to certify aquatic bodyworkers who already have a “license to touch”