
Transcending the Illusion of Separation

Experience a profound water therapy in which the client is given nose-clips and is gradually, gently taken entirely under the water. Light is dimmed, sounds are muffled, time stops, and gravity becomes a slow-flying dance of submergence and emergence. It is a physical freedom beyond what can be experienced on land and an ideal state to explore altered realities of movement.

WATSU® I is a pre-requisite.arjana.jpg (12820 bytes)

Water Dancing® (WasserTanzen)

Arising independently from Watsu, Water Dancing was developed in Switzerland in 1987 by Arjana C. Brunschwiler and Peter Schröter. These two pioneering forms of aquatic bodywork were brought together in Europe and the USA in 1993.

Water Dancing is performed in body temperature water in which clients wear a nose clip to be guided beneath the water into its three-dimensionality. This step requires the practitioner to have a well developed and intuitive understanding of the client’s breathing rhythm. In a Water Dancing session movements on the surface alternate rhythmically with those underwater in accordance with each client’s particular needs.

We know from yoga that slowing down the breathing in a relaxed physical state calms mental activity and can help in achieving a meditative state. This occurs effortlessly in a Water Dancing session. The soft, warm water gives complete support and continuously flows gently around the entire body including the face. Many people speak of feelings of joy and pulsating liveliness.

On a physical level, the use of specific holds releases and mobilizes the major joints of the body. Water Dancing brings to mind the Japanese movement art of Aikido, and is also reminiscent of classical ballet. It can be like the swimming and playing of dolphins or the silent floating of a fetus in its mother’s womb.

As unique as each individual is, everyone experiences Water Dancing differently. Perceptions range from the deepest states of relaxation to shifts in the perception of time and space; from regressing to childhood to re-experiencing prenatal or birth-specific events. Memories of old injuries may arise from the subconscious and the body spontaneously releases stress from the past. Some people speak of experiencing all-encompassing feelings of unity and unconditional love during and even long after a Water Dancing session. In this way, Water Dancing provides support for those passing through life transitions or suffering from disease states arising from low self-esteem. In the training of Water Dancing practitioners, emphasis is laid upon holding a space of acceptance to allow the self-healing capacity of each receiver to emerge.

Water Dancing is a form of body therapy that should only be practiced by well-trained practitioners in a safe environment so that the wealth of feelings and perceptions it can draw forth are given the appropriate space to develop.

In WATERDANCING® I we explore the art of breath connection  that enables you to establish a deep rapport with your clients, inspire their trust and offer the attentiveness that is necessary when bringing someone below the water’s surface. You will learn the Water Dancing short form which includes learning to establish a rhythm that works with each client’s breathing needs and to move all body types through the water with security, ease and graceful fluidity, giving the receiver a profound sense of freedom and joy.
Prerequisites: WATSU® I

In WATERDANCING® II  you will deepen and build on the skills you learned in Water Dancing 1. You expand the principles and material with a repertoire of new underwater moves and techniques.  You will learn and practice variations on familiar moves as well as how to link different moves into a graceful flow. By the end of this course, you will have learned enough material to give complete Water Dancing sessions that are fun, healing and profound.
Prerequisites: Water Dancing 1

In WATERDANCING® III the class expands on the foundation built in Water Dancing 1 and 2 and takes your repertoire of moves into the realm of personal creativity.  You explore the poetry of spontaneity inspired by what presents itself in the moment. You will be supported to create your own vocabulary of underwater moves, and learn to link them in endless new ways. The dance of a free flowing experience, back and forth between giver and receiver, is emphasized and discovery of your own unique style is encouraged and affirmed.
Prerequisites: Water Dancing 1 & 2 and 20 practice sessions (at least 10 of which were logged after Water Dancing 2)

The Water Dancing® courses can be chosen as the 50 hour elective to become a WATSU® practitioner.

Learning to give Water Dancing® can significantly deepen the flow of your Watsu®.